• Stunning Mixed Flower Bouquet with Roses and Hydrangeas AED 250.00

    Our bouquets of roses and hydrangeas are the perfect way to show someone how much you care. With a variety of vibrant flowers and lush greenery, this arrangement is both beautiful and fragrant. The bouquet contains a wonderful combination of roses and hydrangeas, two of the most popular flowers in the world. Roses bring elegance and romance, while hydrangeas are soft and feminine. Each stem has been carefully arranged by our expert florists, creating a bouquet that is both elegant and sophisticated. The bouquet is wrapped in beautiful paper, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary or just want to show someone how much you care, our bouquet of roses and hydrangeas is sure to make their day. So why wait? Order your bouquet today and bring a smile to someone’s face!.

  • Sublime Mix Roses Bouquet AED 195.00

    If you’re looking for a beautiful and vibrant way to express your love, our Sublime Mix Roses Bouquet is the perfect choice. This stunning bouquet is made up of a variety of roses in different colors, from deep reds to bright pinks and delicate yellows, creating a beautiful and dynamic display that is sure to impress. Our florists carefully select the finest roses available, ensuring that each bloom is of the highest quality and is arranged to perfection.

  • Tempting Pink Roses with Purple Baby Rose Bouquet AED 190.00AED 240.00

    This stunning bouquet features a perfect blend of pink roses and purple baby roses, creating a captivating and alluring arrangement. The soft pink hue of the roses symbolizes admiration, appreciation, and gratitude, while the purple baby roses add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the bouquet.

  • -12%Limited
    Wonderful Bog Mix Roses Bouquet – Handpicked for Your Special Moments Original price was: AED 495.00.Current price is: AED 435.00.

    Our Wonderful Bog Mix Roses Bouquet is a true delight for anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature. This stunning arrangement is a handpicked collection of the most gorgeous roses, each one unique in color and scent. The bouquet boasts a mesmerizing blend of pink, red, white, and yellow roses, delicately arranged to create a harmonious balance of hues. Each rose in the bouquet is carefully selected from the best blooms of the season to ensure that you get the freshest, most vibrant flowers possible. Our team of expert florists meticulously arranges the roses in a way that enhances their natural beauty and showcases their individual charm.

  • Wonderful White Roses Bouquet AED 175.00AED 320.00

    Bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to your special occasion with our Wonderful White Roses Bouquet. Made with only the finest and freshest white roses, this stunning bouquet is hand-crafted by our skilled florists to ensure that every bloom is perfectly arranged. The bouquet’s soft and delicate hues of white will convey a message of purity, innocence, and love. It is an ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or to show your gratitude to someone special.

  • Yellow Sunshine Roses Bouquet AED 175.00AED 240.00

    Gorgeous Yellow roses that are brimming with colour and scent, this Yellow Sunshine Roses Bouquet is sure to brighten someone’s day. Because of its brilliant yellow colour, which evokes memories of warm summer sunshine, each flower is hand-picked. This bouquet, which is tastefully organised and hand-tied, is ideal for expressing happiness, friendship, or appreciation on any occasion. With our Yellow Sunshine Roses Bouquet, you may make someone happy, be it for a birthday, anniversary, or just to make their day.


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