Splendid White Rose & Lily Bouquet

our magnificent bouquet of white roses and lilies, which is the epitome of elegance. Meticulously arranged to awe the senses, this magnificent arrangement is an ideal choose for any noteworthy event or just to make someone smile. With their pure white colour representing tranquilly and purity, each flower in this handcrafted bouquet has been carefully chosen. A visually stunning work of art that is sure to make an impact is created by the harmonic blending of the delicate petals of the white rose and lilies. No matter the occasion—wedding, anniversary, birthday, or other celebration—our magnificent white rose and lily bouquet lends sophistication to any scene.

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AED 175.00

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AED 175.00

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    Splendid White Rose & Lily Bouquet

    AED 175.00

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